Week beginning 12th June 2017.
Week beginning 12th June 2017.
This week is an exciting one for the whole school as we are taking part in a Healthy Week Challenge to raise awareness about healthy living, healthy food choices, exercise and positive wellbeing.
In Maths this week, we will investigate and solve problems about fractions in deeper depth.
In English, the children will read stories about different cultures and explore similarities and differences in lifestyle and games with children in other countries.
In DT, we will make a healthy breakfast using the food items the children will bring to school.
In PE, the children will have a joint session with the Year 3 classes and Southwark Class in a carousel of different cardio exercises.
We had a very successful and enjoyable Sports day on 8th June and the children worked exceptionally hard and showed good camaraderie and sportsmanship throughout the day.
On Saturday 17th June 2017 is our school’s Summer Fair and we hope you will join us in raising funds for the school.
Thank you.
Mrs Taggart Class Teacher
Mrs Glenn Teaching Assistant
Mrs Tooze. Teaching Assistant