Week Beginning 13th March
WB: 13th March
Our key learning objectives this week will be:
Maths-We will be starting our new Maths topic on money. We will be focussing on how to make amounts from mixed coins, how to work out change and problem solving.
Reading- We will be continuing our class read: Harper and the Circus of Dreams.
Writing- We will also be finishing our non-chronological reports of animals and thinking about ways to up-level them. We will be considering our next steps to help us improve our writing.
Science- Ourselves- how to be healthy and fit.
Topic- How are you? – with strong links to Science and History.
PE- On Mondays: dance with Miss Handley
On Thursdays: Gymnastics
RE-Our RE topic this term is Islam. We will be looking at beliefs that Muslims have.
Maths objectives that you could help with at home:
- Continue to think about fractions of amounts in a practical context e.g. sharing objects.
- Understanding the size of fractions e.g. that ¼ is smaller than a 1/3
- Understanding how to count in ½’s using a number line
SPaG objectives that you could help with at home:
- Spelling words with contractions e.g. can’t, won’t, don’t, isn’t
- Adding adjectives (describing words) to simple sentences
- Using suffixes at the ends of words e.g. happily, engagement, plentiful and talking about the spelling rules
- How the ends of words changed when adding –ed for the past tense.
- Adding adverbs to verbs e.g. walked slowly, smiled happily
- Using different sentence types in writing; most importantly questions & exclamations