Week beginning 14th January 2019
What are we learning this week?
Maths – Learning all about square and cube numbers!
English – Continuing to use a picture stimulus as a writing prompt for our new unit. We shall be using the 5 senses and figurative language to build tension to a mystery story. We shall also be looking at the different types of tenses.
Science – We shall be revising our key facts from our Space topic.
Computing – We shall be looking at Online Safety, specifically the symptoms of video game addiction.
Reading – We are hoping to finish our class novel, Wonder, within the next two weeks.
History – We shall be writing an innovation of Pandora’s Box, set in modern times.
PE – We have PE lessons on Tuesdays and Thursday. Please make sure your child has some tracksuit bottoms/leggings as we shall be going outside on Thursdays.
Key dates –
31st January – Trip to Polka Theatre. Please make sure that you have paid and returned the permission slip by 11th January.