Week Beginning 14th March
This week our learning will be as follows;
- In mathematics we will learn about decimals. We will learn to recognize and use tenths and hundredths.
- In English we will study the poem, Words Are Ours by Michael Rosen. We will write a list poem based on Michael Rosen’s poem.
- In science we will do daily science lessons as part of science week.We will take part in a whole school investigation, constructing a structure out of spaghetti and marshmallows. We will look at the work of the geometrist Maryam Mirzakhani and carry out geometry investigations.
- In RHE we will look at keeping healthy.
Southwark Class will swim on Tuesday and do PE on Wednesday. Millennium Class will do PE on Wednesday and Friday.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f9f246″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]On Friday 18th March, Year 4 have been very fortunate to secure tickets to see The Cat-astrophic Adventures of Dollop and Crinkle, a spoken word poetry show at the Croydon Central Library at 10:30am. We will be leaving school at 9.45am, walking to Croydon Central Library and return to school in time for lunch. This event is free. [/dropshadowbox]