Week Beginning 14th September 2020
The children have settled into year 3 well and have been working hard.
- In English the children are following a Power of Reading unit based on the book Noah Barleywater runs away by John Boyne. This week they will write newspaper articles based on the book.
- In mathematics the children are working on place value.
- In Science we are looking at friction as part of our work on forces.
- In history we are working on the Stone Age.
- In PHSE we are addressing issues arising from the Covid 19 pandemic as part of our recovery curriculum.
Currently as part of their homework the children should be learning a times table which has been allocated to them. They have been given logins for the Times Tables Rockstars website which will help them, Children should also access Mathletics regularly.
Children should be reading regularly at home. They are being encouraged to select their own books. This term children can change their books each Monday and Thursday. This allows us to store books for three days and then clean them before returning them to the shelves. We also have a subscription to Reading Planet which allows children to read books online and answer questions. Children will be given log-in details this week. In most cases they can access the site using their first name the password Howard and the centre ID 211526
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