Week Beginning 15th May
Our learning objectives this week are:
Maths – This week will be working on fractions and we will be finding a half and a quarter of a shape and sorting fractions into groups, finding half or a quarter of a quantity and finding different ways to shade a half and a quarter of a given shape. We will also be doing some problem solving by finding a half and a quarter.
English – This week we are starting a new unit of work and will be learning about poetry. Children will be identifying the features of a poem, identifying rhyming words, performing poetry and writing their own poem based on a poem that they have read.
Science– Children will start their new science topic of plants that they will be doing on a Thursday afternoon.
PE- We will continue our throwing and catching within the game of Lacrosse and we will be developing our fitness.
RE- We will continue to learn about our new religion Hinduism.
Other Information
Date for your diary! The class and individual photos will be on Thursday 18th May. On Friday 19th May is Bring in a bottle in exchange for children wearing their own clothes.
Our caterpillars are now three weeks old and are still in their chrysalises. We are very excited to see them transform into butterflies and are hoping that this happens next week.
Just a reminder that the weather is getting warmer and children are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school filled with water only please.