Week Beginning 18th March
We have had a great week in year 3. The children confidently led assemblies based on the Apple’s Friends scheme we are following in PHSE. We also had a great time taking part in a carousel of activities for World Maths day. This week our learning will be as follows.
- In mathematics we will work on column addition and subtraction. We will also learn to use estimates and inverses to check our answers.
- In English we will begin a new unit on Newspaper writing. We will begin by looking at a fictional article about the destruction of Pompei.
- In science we will continue to learn about famous scientists.
- In topic time we will write an eyewitness account of the destruction of Pompeii.
In PHDE this half term, as well as following the Apple’s Friends scheme, we will focus on safeguarding children using the NSPCC Let’s Talk Pants Initiative.
Further information can be found at;