Week beginning 18th March 2019

New learning

English-We will be starting to look at a new genre of writing-explanation texts and these will be linked to our Science work on The Heart.  We will also be continuing to read The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.

Maths-We will be learning how to find the area of triangles and parallelograms

Science-We will be revising the solar system

PE-We will be learning about Boxercise and Pilates

PSHE-We will be starting our work from the NSPCC called Pantasaurus

History-We will be learning about the Blitz

R.E -We will be continuing to study Buddhism

Spanish-We will be looking at playing games in Spanish


Important Information

Thank you to all of the children who created ‘Books in a box’.  They were great!  It was also exciting to see all of the children who had come into school last week as a book character for World Book Day.  I hope you have all managed to exchange your token for a book.

‘Design a Lab coat’ entries need to be in asap.  If you haven’t already done so, please complete and hand in to school asap.

The children in Year 6 have a visit from a local PCSO on Thursday 21st March.  He will be talking to both classes about stop and searches and how to keep themselves safe.