Week beginning 18th September 2017

We are beginning to settle in really well to Year 2 and have had a great first full week!

This week we will be covering the following learning objectives in:


We will be moving on to the story of The Enormous Turnip. We will then change aspects of the story to innovate our own new and exciting stories.

Phonics/ SPaG

We are continuing to recap phase 5 alternative graphemes and spelling patterns. We will also be looking at how to spell high frequency words and improving simple sentences by adding adjectives and connectives.


We will be doing baseline reading assessments throughout the week.

Our class read is Pippilongstocking.


Our focus this half is on number and place value. We will be moving onto using place value charts and comparing numbers using less than (<), greater than (>) and equal to (=). We will be doing lots of work on partitioning 2-digit numbers and understanding their value. We now have a big emphasis on reasoning and problem solving in every lesson.


Our topic this half term is The Circus is Coming to Town. There are many links to science, history and geography within this.


PE is on a Monday and Wednesday afternoon.

Monday: pilates.

Wednesday: ball skills.


We will be looking at why things are special to people. This will be taught by our PPA teachers on a Thursday morning.


We will be looking at new beginnings and settling in to a new school year.


We will be looking at how to use algorithms to program digital devices. We will also learn how to debug simple programs.


Key information

Reading books are changed every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We expect your child to read to you every evening and for this to be recorded in their reading record. You can:

  • Just sign or initial.
  • Write a comment e.g if the book was challenging, too easy, any particular words your child found difficult to read, any questions that you asked and your child’s response.



Homework will be given out on a Thursday or Friday afternoon. We expect it to be completed the following Tuesday.


We will be trialling both Spellodrome and Mathletics homework for which you will be sent passwords shortly. If your child does not have access to a computer/ tablet at home, then please let us know.



There are lots of exciting trips coming up this half-term. A letter will be sent home by Friday 15th September.