Week beginning 1st July 2019
What are we learning this week?
Maths –
* I can convert between different units of measurements (kilo): kg <-> g; km <-> m.
* I can convert between different units of measurements (milli): mg <-> g; ml <-> l.
* I can convert between different metric and imperial units of measurement.
* I can convert between different units of time.
English –
We shall be: identifying and evaluating key features of a persuasive text, editing and uplevelling an existing text, and, finally, we shall be researching, planning and beginning to write our own persuasive text.
Music – It is our Soundstart concert this week. Please come and see us perform on Wednesday afternoon – a flier was emailed out with further details by Mrs Hughes.
Art – We shall be continuing to look at landscape art and sketching our own design for painting.
Geography – We shall be looking at what rivers are used for.
History – We shall be looking at the key differences between Surrey Street market through history.
Key dates –
12th July – Trip to Sevenoaks Nature Reserve – please make sure you have paid on Parentpay and handed in your slip to your class teacher.