Week beginning 1st May 2017
Week beginning 1st May 2017.
In Maths this week, we will continue our work explaining our reasoning when solving maths investigations. The pupils will justify and prove their answers. We will revise on Roman Numerals and rounding decimals to 1 and 2 places.
In English, the children will aim to complete the work they have started on using the language of agreement and disagreement to justify an opinion. In writing, they will improve on prior learning about complex sentences.
In Topic, we will learn about different layers of the rainforest and the flora and fauna found in each.
In RE, the children will investigate what the 5K’s in Sikhism are.
In Science, the children will explore safety aspects of using electricity.
In PE, we will have ball games and athletics.
Please check that your child brings their homework diary home each week as there are a few children that are not submitting homework.
The children were given a letter about a trip to Kew Gardens on the 25th of May 2017, please sign and return the permission slip to the school as soon as possible. We have requested that parents please use the ParentPay system to pay for the trip.
Thank you.
Mrs Taggart Class Teacher
Mrs Glenn Teaching Assistant
Mrs Tooze. Teaching Assistant