Week beginning 1st November 2021

8 Famous Places To Visit In November In The World


What are we learning this week?

Maths – 

  • to use representations to identify and explain patterns in powers of 10
  • to compose seven or eight-digit numbers using common intervals
  • to use their knowledge of the composition of up to eight-digit numbers to solve problems
  • to explain how to read numbers with up to seven digits efficiently
  • to recognise and create numbers that contain place-holding zeroes

English – 

This half term, our English lessons shall be centred around the core text Rose Blanche. Our weekly objectives include:

  • I can respond to an illustration.
  • I can engage in Book Talk.
  • I can use role play to help understand characters’ thoughts and motives.
  • I can write a diary entry.

Our class reading book is Holes, by Louis Sachar. Throughout the week, we shall be completing comprehension-based tasks on key chapters and events.

Science –

  • I can record results and present findings
  • To create an investigation to test what might affect the brightness of a bulb

Computing – 

  • to design, write and debug a program using a second programming languages based on their own ideas
  • to design, write and debug their own computer control application
  • to write a program that accepts inputs other than keyboard and mouse and produces outputs other than screen or speakers
  • to give clear and precise logical explanations of a number of algorithms
  • to  use logical reasonings to detect and correct errors in algorithms (and programs)


Children will be able to:
• understand and learn the PANTS rules
• name body parts and know which parts should be private
• know the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touch
• understand that they have the right to say “no” to unwanted touch
• start thinking about who they trust and who they can ask for help



PE – 

Our PE days are as follows:

QE2 – Tuesday and Thursday

Tower – Tuesday and Friday

Please make sure your child comes to school wearing their full PE kit.