Week Beginning 20th March 2017
In Waterloo Class this week our learning will be as follows;
- In mathematics we will continuing our work on fractions. We will be working on finding fractions of quantities, equivalent fractions and finding and counting in tenths.
- In English we will be looking at performance poetry we will be looking at the features of poetry, choosing poems we like, identifying what makes a good poetry performance and performing our poems.
- In reading we continue to read and carry our reading related activities in small groups.
- In music we will be completing our piece of music on volcanoes using tuned and untuned instruments.
- In PE we continue to work on our gymnastics skills and we will be setting a dance inspired by our volcanoes topic to music.
- In RE we will be looking at the story of The Last Supper and thinking about how Christians remember the story when taking communion
Congratulations to everyone in Waterloo Bridge Class on their learning and behaviour. We have now collected over 2000 “dojo” points. Waterloo Bridge Class earned a merit card for their fantastic story writing last week. We welcome Anomiga and Denis to our class and congratulate them on receiving merit cards for settling in well. We are looking forward to red nose day next Friday.