Week beginning 20th March 2017
This week we will be focusing on:
Maths– revising multiplication and division strategies.
Reading- We will be continuing with our class reading book – Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.
Writing- We shall be starting a new unit of persuasive writing. We shall look at efficient planning methods and how to accurately write and edit an effective persuasive text, using the appropriate grammar and technical vocabulary.
PE – Please make sure your child has their full swimming kit (including swimming hats for girls) for Tuesday.
Geography – Exciting times as we start our new unit of Rivers! We shall be writing a non-chronological report all about a river that we have researched in pairs.
PSHE – We shall be celebrating Mothers’ Day.
Additional Information:
24th March – Red Nose Day – we have decided to host a book sale on Friday after school. Please can you make sure that any donated books are handed in by Wednesday 22nd March. Thank you!
Reading passport challenge – Every child in the school has been given an exciting reading passport to complete. There are exciting prizes to be won. Please encourage your child to take ownership of their passport and strive to complete as many tasks as possible.
Netball Club – Miss Handley is looking for keen and enthusiastic players to join her netball team. The club is after school on Tuesdays, please see her if you are interested in joining.