Week Beginning 21st September
The children are continuing to work hard in year 3. This week our learning will be as follows;
- In mathematics we will continue our work on place value. The children will learn to count in 50s, solve problems and read and write whole numbers in numerals and words.
- In English we continue our work around the book Noah Barleywater Runs Away by John Boyne. The children will write poetry based on the book and act out a scene using movement and dance.
- In reading we will read daily in small groups. It is planned that each group of children will read with an adult on two days each week and work on an independent activity on the other two days. We are beginning a new class book, Pinocchio by Michael Morpurgo.
- In science we will learn about friction.
- In history we will learn about the introduction of farming during the Neolithic period.
- In RE we will begin an new unit of work on Hinduism.
- In PE children will learn football skills each Tuesday and work on keeping fit each Thursday. They should come to school in PE kit on those days.
Google Classroom
All parents will have received a letter with information on Google Classroom. The children will have brought home their log-in details which they have stuck inside their homework diary. The work set on Google Classroom is intended for children who are self isolating and need to work at home.
We are not currently sending worksheets home. Children should concentrate on the following learning at home;
- Reading- The children should be reading regularly at home. Parents are asked to sign off their reading record before books are changed each Monday and Friday. It would be helpful if children could work on being able to read silently with understanding. Children have also been allocated a book on the reading planet website which has associated comprehension questions and quizzes. They have been given log-in details (in their homework diaries).
- Times Tables – Children are asked to practise the times table which they have been allocated and will be tested each Wednesday. They can practise using Times Table Rockstars, using the log-in details in their homework diaries or Hit the Button.
- Mathletics – Work is set on Mathletics and children should continue to use this website regularly.