Week beginning 22nd May 2017


In Waterloo Bridge Class our learning will be as follows;

  • In mathematics we will be learning about shape and angles.
  • In English we will be writing our own versions of the myth of Romulus and Remus.
  • In reading we continue to enjoy our class book Blackberry Blue by Jamila Gavin.
  • In Science we continue to learn about plants.
  • In topic time we will complete our mosaics.
  • In PE we will focus on athletics.

Our visit to Fishbourne Roman Palace is on Friday 7th July. Please remember to return your permission slips if you have not done so already. Our “Good to be Green” reward film, for children who have finished each day this half term on green, will be this Friday. There will be no PE on Friday so children can take their kits home after Wednesday’s lesson.