Week beginning: 24th April 2017

Our key learning objectives for our first week back will be as follows.

Maths: we will be recapping different units of measure and using our knowledge to solve problems. This will include: temperature, capacity and mass.

Reading- We will be continuing to read The Twits by Roald Dahl.

Writing- we will be completing our healthy living leaflets this week. We will also be doing some work to prepare us for our SATs next month. This will include doing a practice reading paper.

SPaG- our focus will be on using the prefix ‘un’.

Science- Our science topic this term is living things and their habitats.

We are continuing with our ‘How Are You?’ topic which has lots of links with history, art, geography and PSHE.

PE: ball skills.

RE-Our RE topic this term is Christianity.

Music- Year 2 will continue to have ministrings on Friday afternoons. Please remember to collect your child from the dining hall on this day.


The time for KS1 SATs is approaching quickly. We will be practicing lots of skills in the lead up to them.

We will send a timetable for each paper shortly. Please come and see me if you have any queries or concerns.