Week Beginning 26th April


This week our learning will be as follows;

  • In mathematics we will continue our work on addition and subtraction. We will learn to estimate answers to addition and subtraction calculations and how to check our answers using inverses.
  • In English we will continue our learning around the Bluest of Blues by Fiona Robinson. We will explore the next section of the book using drama and poetry.
  • In history we will consider why the Romans came to Britain.
  • In science we will look at the roots of a plant.
  • In RE we will consider different descriptions of God in the Christian faith.
  • In Relationship and Health Education we will thinking about relationships and exploring friendship.

We are looking forward to  parent meetings on School Cloud on Wednesday and Thursday this week. We will also see parents on the same days next week. Appointments can be booked on School Cloud from Sunday 25th April. Revised targets for the children will be sent out on Tuesday 27th April.

