Week beginning 26th February 2018

Week beginning Monday 26h February 2018

Our learning objectives for next week are as follows:


We will be using our boxed up story to help us to innovate our own continuing to use Dr Xargle’s Book of Earthlets as a stimulus for our writing. This week we will be ‘reading as writers’. We will be using the following structure to help us to ‘box up’ the text.

We will be designing our own alien and spacecraft. We will be using our boxed up plan to help us to innovate. This will form the basis of a non-chronological report about aliens.


Our next class read will be Charlotte’s Web by E.B White.

Phonics/ SPaG

We will not be doing phonics again this week. Miss Brown and I will continue teaching the opposite class as we did last week (Miss Brown teaching maths and myself teaching literacy). It has worked really well so far and the children are enjoying it!


Miss Brown will be teaching the maths in 2H this week. They will be moving onto division.


We will be continuing with Zippy’s Friends. We are looking at what makes a good friend. Please speak to your child about these sessions (which always take place on a Thursday afternoon).


Monday: athletics.

Wednesday: circuits (planning/ peer teaching based on our prior PE sessions). They really enjoyed the first session!


We are looking at differences between plants and animals and variation between animals. We will also be looking at seasonal changes.