Week Beginning 26th June
In Waterloo Class this week our learning will be as follows;
In mathematics we are revising our learning on place value.
- In English we are starting a new book I Was There … Boudica’s Army by Hilary McKay. We will be making predictions, exploring the book using drama and writing diaries entries.
- In reading we will continue with our class book Charlotte’s Web by E. B White and we will read in small groups.
- In our topic work we will look at Queen Boudica and her revolt agains the Romans.
- In science we will continue our work on forces.
- In PE we are learning to play netball. We will develop our ball skills to help us play netball well.
The children have worked hard during assessments in reading, writing and mathematics. Well done to Brayen who represented the school in athletics at Croydon Arena on Monday evening. We are looking forward to our visit to Fishbourne on Friday 7th July.