Week Beginning 26th March 2018

In Waterloo Class the children have settled back to school for the new half term and have been working very hard. Our learning this week will be as follows;

  • In mathematics we will be working on statistics. We will learn to create and interpret pictograms, bar charts and tables and to solve problems.
  • In English we will be looking at the features of letter writing. We are preparing to write a letter in the role of one of the characters from Escape from Pompeii.
  • In science we will be investigating soil permeability.
  • In topic time we will be finding out about the artist Jackson Pollack.
  • In RE we will be looking at why the Bible is a special book for Christians. This will be linked to work on World Book Day.

I am looking forward to seeing parents this week.  I now have no more available appointments for Thursday 1st March but I still have lots of appointments for Wednesday 14th March.  Thursday 1st March is also World Book Day. Children may come to school dressed as a character from a book. Children in Waterloo Bridge Class may also bring their favourite book to school to show the class.