Week beginning 28th June 2021


OH: Westland High » Senior Assessment Week

This week is assessment week. Throughout the week, the children will be given opportunities for assessment in reading, writing and maths. These results of these tests will only act as part of the ongoing assessment of our Year 6 children.

What are we learning in our foundation subjects?

History – Our learning objective for the next couple of lessons is:

  • To investigate and interpret the past.

Our Key Questions are:

  • What can we learn about Benin society from images and artefacts that have survived?
  • What was life like in The Benin Kingdom hundreds of years ago?

PE – This week, our children will receive Sports Leaders training from the Croydon Schools Partnership to help them learn how to plan, and run, events for KS1 Sports Day.

RE – We shall be continuing our Spirited Arts Competition project. This year, our theme is ‘Inspiring’.


Key dates – 

29th June – Spanish Day