Week beginning 29th January 2018

This week we will be covering the following learning objectives in:


By Monday we will have written our own warning tales. We will be spending some time editing and improving them before moving onto our next unit of writing.

We will be using Doctor Xargles Book of Earthlets as a stimulus for writing non-fiction information leaflets.


We are really enjoying The Hodgeheg by Dick King-Smith. We have already learnt lots of exciting new vocabulary. Our favourite word this week was ‘frantically’ which means to be wilding anxious or excited about something.

Phonics/ SPaG

We will be continuing to focus on different word classes and up-levelling simple sentences. Our focus will be on adverbs which can tell us: how, when, why or how often. Have a look at a selection of adverbs below.


We have almost come to the end of our work on money. We will be looking at how to solve one and two-step problems and will also be having a go at writing our own.

An example of a one-step problem would be:

Anna goes to the shop and buys and apple and an orange. The apple costs 27p and the orange costs 62p. How much does she spend altogether?


We have also been working on finding the difference (using subtraction). For example: Mark goes to the shop and buys a pencil for 45p and a sweet for 22p. He pays with a £1 coin. How much change will he receive? This is a two step problem because you have to calculate how much he spends (45p+22p) and then subtract that amount from £1 (100-67).

Finding the difference has proven a challenge for lots of Year 2. Please practice this at home where possible. It can be done in a real context to make it more meaningful for your child. For example: you have 50p and the sweets cost 45p. How much change will you get? Another useful way of assessing your child’s understanding is to ask them to tell you what calculation they would use to solve the problem.

Here is an example of how you can also use bar models to visually support your child.


The children in Year 2 are still loving Zippy’s Friends. There will be another homework sent home shortly as we are almost at the end of the second module: communication.


We are going to be doing dance on a Monday and doing circuit training on Thursdays.


We are starting to look at differences between plants and animals and variation between animals.


A polite reminder that I have been setting homework every week on mathletics. The expectation is that this is completed by the Tuesday of the following week.