Week Beginning 29th June 2020

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#d5fa83″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#4b5af5″ ]

Dear Parents and carers,

We are really enjoying the daily zoom sessions with the children. It’s wonderful to see that they are beginning to relax and participate more, as they become accustomed to seeing us on their screens. The sessions are so valuable to us and the children, so please continue to join us for Zoom School sessions as much as you can.

Grosvenor class please note the new time for our zoom sessions will be 10 am from Monday.

This week, we continue to learn about Plants, focusing on plants which produce fruit and vegetables, how they grow and where they come from.

In Literacy this week we will continue learning about different types of adjectives such as words which describe a sound eg.  Oink! or Pow! These words have a rather complicated name, onomatopoeia. 

Have a great week and thank you for your continued support.

The Reception Team


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#fab9d8″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#f22039″ ]THIS WEEK’S WEB LINKS








[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#cbfdf9″ border_width=”20″ border_color=”#f686e8″ ]THIS WEEK’s ZOOM SCHOOL SESSIONS

We will have a Maths focus this week.

We look forward to engaging the children in some fun, interactive number based games. They won’t require any resources for these sessions.

Please be ready to join us at 10am on your colour group  day.
