Week Beginning 29th October 2018
We are looking forward to a new half term in Waterloo Bridge Class. This half term we will continue with topic work on early history focusing on the Bronze Age and the Iron Age.
- In mathematics this week we will learn about angles. We will learn about right angles as a property of turn and shape and we will compare angles bigger than and smaller than right angles.
- In English we will begin a unit of work on film. We will start by looking at a short film entitled “For the Birds.” We will ask and answer questions about the film and retell the story of the film adding narrative.
- In Science we will begin our new topic of Light and Dark.
- In RE we will retell the story of Rama and Sita in pictures and sentences.
- In topic time we will introduce the Bronze Age.
We are looking forward to our visit to the cinema on 8th November.