Week beginning 2nd July


We will be using our plans to write a police report based on Tuesday.

Please take a look at the key features our police reports will include.


We are still reading Aristotle by Dick-King-Smith.


We have come to the end of our work on statistics. From this point on we will be recapping various aspects of the Year 2 curriculum; we will be looking at number and place value first.


Zippy’s Friends- we have two more sessions left of our final unit ‘we cope’.



Due to Year 5 needing the ICT suite on Tuesday, we have moved our PE slots this week. We will be playing tennis (building up to playing doubles) and doing some real PE. Real PE is an initiative that focuses on cognitive, creative, social and personal skills as well as technical skills. L

Important information.

KS1 Sports Day – Tuesday 10th July- please ensure that your child has suncream/ a water bottle and a packed lunch.

Last day for children– Thursday 19th July

INSET day- Friday 20th July