Week Beginning 2nd May.
In Waterloo Class this week our learning will be as follows;
- In mathematics we will be working on measuring mass, length and capacity accurately and adding and subtracting units of measurement.
- In English we will be writing a review of the Roman London Show.
- In reading we will begin a new class book,Blackberry Blue by Jamila Gavin. We will also be reading in small groups in a reading carousel.
- In topic time we will be labelling and describing Roman Buildings.
- In RE we will look at what it means to Sikhs to belong to the Khalsa.
- In science we will continue our topic on plants.
- In PE we will learn African Dancing and work on our athletics skills.
We really enjoyed our visit by staff from the Museum of London who performed the Roman London Show for us on Thursday. This term some of our PE will be outside (weather permitting). Please make sure that children have trainers or plimsolls in school.