Week Beginning 2nd October 2017
We will be changing aspects of The Enormous Turnip to innovate our own new and exciting stories. We will be focusing on making improvements from our plans to our stories and up-levelling our work as independently as possible.
Phonics/ SPaG
We are continuing to recap phase 5 alternative graphemes and spelling patterns. We will also be looking at how to spell high frequency words and improving simple sentences by adding adjectives and connectives.
We will be thinking about past tense to help with our story writing and also the use of time adverbials to move our stories on.
Our class read is Pippi Longstocking. We will be thinking about what has happened so far in the story, making predictions about what might happen and clarifying new words and their meanings.
Our focus is on number and place value. We will be recapping comparing numbers using <,> and = before we move on to ordering numbers and counting in 2’s, 3’s, 5’s and 10’s. We now have a big emphasis on reasoning and problem solving in every lesson.
Our topic this half term is The Circus is Coming to Town. There are many links to science, history and geography within this.
PE is on a Monday and Wednesday afternoon.
Monday: pilates.
Wednesday: ball skills.
We will be looking at why things are special to people. This will be taught by my PPA teachers on a Thursday morning.
We will be looking at new beginnings and settling in to a new school year.
We will be looking at how to use algorithms to program digital devices. We will also learn how to debug simple programs.
We are visiting the Science Museum on Tuesday 3rd October. If you would like to be considered for accompanying us on the trip please return the slip on Monday. We will let you know via text message if you are coming or not 🙂