Week beginning 3rd January 2022
Welcome back! We hope you all had an enjoyable and restful break. This week, it is Computing Week!
What are we learning this week?
Maths –
- To explain how to multiply two-unit fractions
- To multiply two non-unit fractions
- To divide a unit fraction by a whole number
- To divide a non-unit fraction by a whole number
English –
- To write a non-chronological report.
- To edit and improve my writing.
- To create a final draft.
We shall also be starting our next class read The Nowhere Emporium, by Ross Mackenzie.
Science –
- L.O. To plan an investigation.
Computing –
- To know how computers, IP addresses, Routers and Packets are used to send data between devices
- To know what a variable is and how we can use them in Scratch
- To use the broadcast block in Scratch
- To use loops (Iteration) in Scratch
- To use the ask and answer blocks in Scratch to receive user input in Scratch
PE –
This week, QE2 will have PE on Thursday and Tower will have their lesson on Friday.