Week beginning 3rd July 2017
Week beginning 3rd July 2017.
This week marks the beginning of July.
In Maths this week, we will investigate and solve problems involving multiplication and division.
In English, the children will review features of an information leaflet, in grammar we will look at prepositional phrases, direct and reported speech and finally revise the use of the present perfect tense.
In Science, the children will investigate how animals and plants depend on each other and then we will learn about food chains.
Please encourage your child to use Mathletics and Spellodrome at home to consolidate their learning. The children are allowed to use the computers in class if they cannot access the Internet at home. There are a few children who are not still not submitting their homework. Please check and sign your child’s homework diary each week and ensure that they bring a reading book home every day.
Thank you.
Mrs Taggart Class Teacher
Mrs Glenn Teaching Assistant
Mrs Tooze. Teaching Assistant