Week beginning 4th October 2021

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This week, we shall be trying something different. QE2 class will have RE lessons in our foundation subjects and Tower Bridge will have Music. Next week, the classes will swap and do the other subject.

What are we learning this week?

Maths – 

  • To adjusting both the minuend and subtrahend by the same amount affects the difference
  • To using the ‘same difference’ rule can make mental calculation easier
  • To use the ‘same difference’ rule to balance equations
  • To solve subtraction reasoning calculations by using known facts
  • To explain how adjusting the subtrahend affects the difference


English – 

This half term, our English lessons shall be centred around the core text Goodnight Mister Tom. Our weekly objectives include:

  • I can compare and contrast written and audiobook versions of Goodnight Mister Tom.
  • I can identify and evaluate the key features of a diary entry.
  • I can edit and up-level a diary entry.
  • I can plan a diary entry.

Our class reading book is Carrie’s War, by Nina Bawden. Throughout the week, we shall be encouraging children to make connections across the two texts, as well as completing additional comprehension-based activities.

Science –

  • To create an investigation to test the conductivity of different materials
  • To be able to associate the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a buzzer with the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit.​

Music (Tower) – 

  • To listen to music with focus and analysing its composition using musical vocabulary.
  • To relate sound sequences to images .

RE (QE2) –

This week, we shall be looking at Authority and Worship within the Buddhism religion. Our learning objectives are:

  • What does the word Buddha mean?
  • Why is the Buddha special to Buddhists?
  • Who was Siddhartha Gautama?
  • What caused him to seek enlightenment?
  • How did the #Buddha become enlightened?

PE – 

Our PE days are as follows:

QE2 – Tuesday and Thursday

Tower – Tuesday and Friday

Please make sure your child comes to school wearing their full PE kit.


Key Dates

31st October – Deadline for secondary school applications