Week Beginning 5th June

Our learning objectives this week are:

Maths – This week we will be developing our understanding that addition can be done in any order, we will be adding two numbers together using a number line and subtracting a 1 digit number from a 2 digit number using a number line.

English – The children have loved reading and creating a story map for the book ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and writing up the story in our own words applying all the skills we have been learning in our English lessons.

Topic – We will continue to identify some common flowers and insects in our school environment.


Important information/ dates

Monday 5th June: INSET day

Tuesday 6th June: children return to school at 9am.

Thursday 8th June: KS2 Sports Day

Week beginning 12th June: 12th/13th – is the phonics screening test. All week is Healthy schools week.

Saturday 17th June: Summer Fayre

Tuesday 27th June: Whole school photo at Whitgift School

Tuesday 11th July: KS1 Sports Day

Thursday 20th July: Last day for children 3.30pm finish.