Week Beginning 5th June 2017

In Waterloo Bridge Class this week our learning will be as follows;

  • In mathematics we will be working on mental methods for addition and subtraction and on carrying out addition and subtraction calculations.
  • In English we will be working on Newspaper articles. We will be role playing as a newspaper reporter, identifying the features of a Newspaper article and learning about the differences between fact and opinion. We are also learning to identify the difference between fact and opinion.
  • In reading we are sharing Roman Record by Paul Dowswell. We will also read in small groups and carry out other reading activities.
  • In our topic work week will be learning about Roman gods.
  • In RE we will be starting a new topic on Hinduism. We will be learning what Hindus believe about God.
  • In PE we will focus on athletics in preparation for sports day.

We are looking forward to sport day on 8th June and to welcoming as many parents as possible to this event.