Week beginning 5th November
Please find an update about what we will be learning in Millennium after half term;
English- We will be starting a new unit of work surrounding instruction and explanation texts. We will explore these using art and will even learn how to draw Horrid Henry! This gives us a chance to practise imperative verbs and prepositional phrases in our writing. This week we will be following instructions about how to draw Horrid Henry and then having a go at writing our own explanations. Get a head start and watch the video below!
Reading- All children should be reading at home every day and handing their record books in each day to be checked. They will be reading in guided groups with an adult at least once each week.
Maths- We are now working on column subtraction and thinking about when to exchange or not exchange. We are also looking at how to use an inverse operation to check an answer.
In addition to this, all children need to be practising the multiplication tables as one of the Year 4 objectives is know the tables and related division facts to 12×12. There will be a weekly test in class.
There is a free interactive game we use often in class as a starter which children can also access at home. Please find the link below;
Topic- This week we are taking a break from our Viking topic to think about Remembrance Day. We are thinking especially about how the war affected those who were left behind, including working women and children.
Science- Our focus this term is teeth and digestion. We will be designing our own scientific enquiry about tooth decay.
The following websites are useful resources if you would like to support your child’s science learning. http://www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/ science/teethandeating/ an informative site which will deepen the children’s understanding of teeth. http://www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/ science/bodyandmedicine/digestivesystem/ is an informative website which will support the children’s understanding of the human digestive system. Useful quiz to test knowledge.
Human Body app (ios) http://tinybop.com/apps/the-human-body allows children to manipulate the digestive system
Mrs Forde will be providing PPA cover on a Thursday morning, teaching RE and Spelling.
Homework- Homework will be set on a Friday and should be returned by the following Wednesday each week. The children will be expected to read every day and practise their multiplication tables in addition to other work that is given. This week I have asked the children to
Successes- Well done to Victoria, Keona and Maja who got merits this week!
Other news-
We have our cinema trips coming up in the next couple of weeks, any parents who are available to help, please speak to Miss Turpie or myself.