Week beginning 5th November 2018

We have a SPaG and Handwriting workshop on Wednesday 7th November, 2018 at 9.00am.

Congratulations to our Mathletic champions-

Lambeth Class:

Silver-Isaiah, Comella

Bronze-Adoma, Japdeep, Leila-Rae, Zayna, Jayden,  Marwa, Ryan, Nicole, Yaacoob, Ayaan, Ben, Amira, Brooke, Vanessa

Super Mathlete- Ryan 8387 points

Vauxhall Class:

Bronze-Krishan, Suvisha, Amelia-Rose

Super Mathlete- Suvisha 2720 points.

Our learning this week………..

English-We will be looking at Fireworks poems. What is a poem? How is it different from a story? We will be looking at the features of a poem -title, poet, stanza/verse, rhyming words, onomatoaepic words…

Maths: We will be looking at subtractions. Subtraction by crossing out and then using a number line.

Science: We will be observing changes across the four seasons. We will be describing the weather- Autumn.

History: We will be learning about significant people in our life time- ‘Barack Obama’.

PSHE: We will be revisiting Rights and Responsibilities, our class charter and the 5 Core Values in our school.- caring, courtesy, consideration, co-operation and commitment.

RE: We will be learning about harvest and discuss how it is celebrated around the world.

PE: We will continue to develop balancing skills as well as listening skills and travelling in different ways.

Music: We will be learning more harvest songs.

Home work: This week home work is

  • based on Science/Literacy curriculum Materials.
  • Phonics
  • Matheletics

Please return home work by Wednesday 7th November, 2018.