Week beginning 6th December 2021
What are we learning this week?
Maths –
- To use accurately the methods of short and long division (two and three-digit number by multiples of 10)
- To explain how to use accurately the method of long division with and without remainders (two-digit by two-digit numbers)
- To use knowledge of long division to solve problems in a range of contexts (with and without remainders)
- To use long division with decimal remainders (1 decimal place)
- To use long division with fraction remainders
- To use long division with decimal remainders (2 decimal places)
- To explain how to write a fraction in its simplest form
- To reason and apply their knowledge of how to write a fraction in its simplest form
- To use their knowledge of how to write a fraction in its simplest form when solving addition and subtraction problems (1)
English –
This half term, our English lessons shall be centred around the core text Rose Blanche. Our weekly objectives include:
- L.O. I can identify the key features of a non-chronological report.
- L.O. I can plan a non-chronological report.
- L.O. I can write a non-chronological report.
Science –
- L.O. To understand how shadows are formed.
- L.O. To explore the meaning of the Eightfold Path for Buddhists.
- L.O. To understand the importance of rules both in a personal and wider context.
- L.O. What are the stories that Buddhists find inspiration from?
- L.O. How do they help to explain the Buddha’s teachings?
Music –
- listening to music focusing on dynamics and texture
- developing techniques of performing rap using texture and rhythm
- learning a melodic ostinato using staff notation
DT –
- To investigate cookies
- To modify a cookie recipe
- To design and make the packaging
- To plan and make the cookies
- To evaluate the cookies
Key dates –
10th December – Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Lunch Day.