Week beginning 7th December 2020

What are we learning this week?

English –

We shall be planning and beginning to write an informal letter to Rose Blanche offering her advice about what to do next.


Maths –

We shall be looking at BODMAS.


Science –

We shall be exploring how light travels in straight lines.


History –

This week, we shall be looking at how the role of women changed during WW2.


PE –

Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Please remember that children need to wear their full PE kit and their Howard Primary jumper. We shall have an additional PE session on Monday run by the Croydon School’s Partnership.


Spelling –

This week’s spelling focus is:

Words containing the letter-string ough

Examples: borough, bough, bought, brought, dough, enough, fought, nought, ought, plough, rough, thorough, though, thought, through, tough


RE/Art –

We shall be making origami angels as part of our learning of the Christmas story.