Week beginning 7th June 2022

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SUMMER TERM 2 TOPIC: Growing and Changing


LITERACY: Literacy this term will  focus on developing the children’s ability to:

  • read with fluency and accuracy
  • develop comprehension and understanding of what they have read
  • develop handwriting with a focus on the consistent size and shape of letters
  • develop stamina for writing at length about a topic of their choosing

Focus Book:  Jasper’s Beanstalk by Nick Butterworth


  • subitise numbers up to 5 represented by finger patterns
  • orientate a rekenrek correctly and push a number of beads with one finger.
  • subitise numbers up to 5 using linear dot patterns
  • use ‘one finger, one push’ to move a number of beads on the top row ALL AT ONCE to the far left of the rekenrek.
  • subitise numbers up to 5 using standard and non-standard dot patterns
  • use ‘one finger, one push’ to subitise and explore ‘1 more’ patterns of beads on the rekenrek.

UW: To explore different parts of a plant and grow a seed

RHE: Changing Me: To understand that everyone is unique and special

PE:  Athletics
