Week Beginning 8th March

We are really pleased to welcome everyone back to school.

Our arrangements for the beginning and end of the day are unchanged since the Autumn term. Children in year 3 will begin school at 9:15am and finish at 3:30pm. PE will continue to be on Tuesday and Thursday and children should wear PE kit to school on those days. Reading books can be changed each Monday and Thursday.

Work for the week has been posted on Google Classroom. This is only for children who need to self isolate at home.

This term we are trying something new. English and Mathematics will be taught each day but some other subjects will be taught in blocks. This week our focus will be on history.

Our learning this week will be as follows;

  • In mathematics we will develop our skills in measure.
  • In English we will learn how to use fronted adverbials and to recognize homophones. We will also start a new unit of work based on the Bluest of Blues by Fiona Robinson.
  • In history we will learn about the eruption of Vesuvius and destruction of Pompeii in 79AD.
  • In RE we will compare the Hindu and Christian creation stories.
  • In PE we will learn how to play Hockey.