Week Beginning 8th May

Our learning objectives this week are:

Maths – This week will be continuing to work on multiplication and division. We will solve one step problems using multiplication tables, draw an array for a multiplication problem, understand multiplication as ‘sets of’, begin to record ‘sets of’ as a multiplication number sentence, find half of a number and find a quarter of a number.

English – This week we will continue our unit of non-fiction writing and will use a non-fiction text to find information and pick out the relevant information, plan our own non-fiction book on a mini-beast of our choice and box up information under the relevant sub headings.

Science– Children will continue their animals and human science topic with Mrs Crocks.

PE- We will continue our throwing and catching within the game of Lacrosse and we will be developing our fitness.

RE- We will continue to learn about our new religion Hinduism.

Other Information

Date for your diary! The class and individual photos will be on Thursday 18th May. On Friday 19th May is Bring in a bottle in exchange for children wearing their own clothes.

Our caterpillars are now a two weeks old and we are amazed at how they have grown. We have observed them growing, moving and hanging in a J shape to prepare them for the next stage. Our caterpillars are now forming their chrysalis and are now entering their resting stage.