Congratulations to our Mathletic Champions…
Silver Award :
Lambeth Class: Adoma, Ben
Vauxhall Class : Krishan
Bronze Award
Lambeth Class : Kye, Lelia-Rae, Charlotte, Magnus, Isaiah, Jayden, Marwa, Annika, Nicole, Ayaan, Nathan, Comella, Amira, Sharaya
Vauxhall Class : Mila, Aaliyah, Yaebsira, Elias, Oskar, Kastek, Suvisha, Isabella
Super Mathlete :
Lambeth Class : Adoma ( 5650 Points)
Vauxhall Class : Krishan ( 4111 Points)
Home work
Your child would have brought home a homework book with two sets of work. A sheet of Maths work, spellings to learn (related to their phonic phase) and words to read and decode (these are non words or alien words to support children’s phonic skills).
Mathletics homework has also been set according to our Maths learning in class. The log in cards are at the back of your child’s reading records. Certificates will be handed out weekly in our Year Group Assembly.
Home work need to be returned on Wednesday 10th October
Our learning this week…
We will be introducing a new text ‘Lila and the secret of the rain’ by David Conway & Jude Daley. They will be looking at the front cover , describe what they see, make predictions, role-play and sequence the story with a beginning, middle and end as well as learn to ask questions about setting, character and events.
We will be counting in 2’s forwards and backwards. Children will introduce additions with part part-whole model. We will also recap adding two groups of objects together. Children will use numicons and counters and represent their ideas using pictures or number sentences.
W are going on a local walk to find out about Croydon. We will then develop our mapping skills and draw maps as well as write about what they discovered. Children will use key words such as town, roads, shops, library etc..
Children will be continue their learning about ‘New Beginnings’ and will write what they are good at and what they need to develop further. They will develop an understanding of different types of new beginnings – class, teacher, school, house, baby…
Children will begin to understand about Harvest and discuss how it is celebrated around the world.
We will continue our fun P.E. session and develop balance skills as well as listening skills and travelling in different ways and develop spatial awareness.
We continue our learning using line and tone and develop our skills to draw a self – portrait.
We will learn a range of body and harvest songs.