Week Beginning 8th October 2018
This week we will be starting a new story: Hansel & Gretel. We will be using the short film by Lotte Reiniger to introduce the story. Our focus is to understand the sequence of the story and think about the characters. We will also be writing the story in our our words using key story language.
SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar)
We are consolidating work on contraction spellings.
There will also be a strong focus on expanded noun phrases to help with our story writing.
We are continuing our class read Fantastic Mr Fox. The class are really enjoying it so far!
We will also be using pictures to work on key reading skills using the ERIC scheme.
This week we are building on last week’s maths.
Our focus this week is understanding related facts e.g. if I know that 3+6=9 then I also know that 30+60=90 or if 7-4= 3 then I also know that 70-40=30. We will also be using our knowledge of number bonds to 10 to understand number bonds to 100 and calculating by adding & subtracting 1’s and understanding 10 more and 10 less.
We are going to learn about Amy Johnson, a local historical figure. This week we will be writing postcards from Amy Johnson.
We will be looking at materials and their properties this half term.
This week we will be looking at what makes a good friend.
Monday afternoon. The other slot is to be confirmed.