Week Beginning 12th September
The children have had a great first week and have settled back into school well. This week our learning will be as follows;
- In mathematics we will continue our work on place value. We will be focussing on rounding and estimating.
- In English we will continue our work around the Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Rauf. We will be working on developing a piece of persuasive writing around a positive school culture which we will then record as an infomercial.
- In science we will investigate the question what is sound?
- In RHE we will look at the life and death of Queen Elizabeth II,
- Our blocked foundation subject is music. This term we have an exciting opportunity to work with the English National Opera. We will be working on composing a piece of music.
This half term Millennium Class will go swimming every Tuesday morning. They will need to bring to school as swimming costume and towels. They may also bring a swimming hat and/or goggles.
Don’t forget our harvest festival is on Tuesday 13th September. Food contributions can be brought in on Monday and Tuesday mornings.