Week beginning Monday 15th May 2017

Monday 15th: KS1 maths calculating paper

Tuesday 16th: KS1 Reading paper

Our key learning objectives for this week will be as follows:

Maths: we will be recapping position and direction this week.

Class read- We are yet to choose our new class read!

Literacy: we have been looking at diary entries from the time of The Plague. We will be looking at what makes an effective diary entry and how to up-level our writing. The final aim is to write our own diary entry in the role of somebody who was affected by the plague.

SPaG- we will be going over how and when to use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions to make our sentences more interesting.

Science- Our science topic this term is living things and their habitats. We will be continuing to look at how the human body works and the ways in which animals adapt to their surroundings.

We are continuing with our ‘How Are You?’ topic which has lots of links with history, art, geography and PSHE.


Miss Stroud: skipping skills.

Mr Govinden: Invasion games: basketball.

RE- we will be looking at Judaism in the summer term.

Music- Year 2 will continue to have ministrings on Friday afternoons. Please remember to collect your child from the dining hall on this day.

Important information


This week is SATs week. We will be doing the maths calculating paper, a reading paper and the Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) paper this week. Next week we will be taking the maths reasoning paper and the other reading paper.

It is important to ensure that your child comes to school with a water bottle every day: particularly over this period. They must keep hydrated.

Please come and see me in the playground if you have any queries about the year 2 SATs.

Thank you for all of your support this year.

Individual and class photos

Individual and whole class photos will be taken on Thursday 18th May 2017.