Week beginning Monday 26th March 2018


We will be continuing with our work on losing tales. Through drama and answering questions about the text we hope to embed the key elements from it. This week we will be reading as readers and answering questions about the text.


We are still really enjoying Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White. We will be continuing to read it after half term. If we have enough time, then we will watch the film once we have finished reading the story.


We will be continuing to learn about shape. Our learning objectives will be:

  • to sort 3d shapes.
  • To make patterns with 3d shapes.


We will be continuing with the ‘Conflict Resolution’ module of Zippy’s Friends.


Hungerford Class have kindly given up their hall slot for Monday afternoon for Mrs Hughes who is having a sale to raise money for her charity: The Lily Trust. Providing the weather is good, we will do PE outside. If not, we will do some simple yoga in the classroom.

All of the children have led a session (as part of a group) of circuit training. As a reward, I have something special planned for Wednesday’s session (to be revealed shortly!).


We will be looking at the different foods that omnivores, carnivores and herbivores eat.

Important information

Parent’s evening:

If you failed to attend your meeting, then please come and find me to rearrange. Thank you.

Last day: Thursday 29th March 2018.