Week beginning Monday 27th November 2017

This week we will be covering the following learning objectives in:


We will be looking at the key features of a film review and how to write a synopsis (an overview that does not give too much away). We will then be writing our own film reviews

Phonics/ SPaG

We are continuing to recap phase 5 alternative graphemes and spelling patterns. We will also be looking at how to spell high frequency words and improving simple sentences by adding adjectives and connectives.

We will also be focusing on the use of questions to engage the reader.


We will be looking at addition and subtraction.

We will be looking at adding and subtracting 10’s before we move on to adding and subtracting 1’s to 2-digit numbers crossing the 10’s boundary. We are also beginning to think about ways we can add and subtract two 2-digit numbers.

Please do not teach your child column addition at home. We have to ensure that their understanding of place value is secure i.e they understand the value of each digit in numbers up to 100. For example the digits in 99 both have a different value (90 or 9). If you would like any tips or advice as to how we teach these strategies, please just ask.


We will be learning about People of the past. There are strong links to art and history.


We are currently using our PE slots to practice with Westminster class for our Christmas performance. We have sent the song words home for your children to practice. More information will be sent home shortly. ternoon.


This will be taught by my PPA teacher on a Thursday morning.


We have started the Zippy’s Friends project which will run for most of the year. After each of the six modules we will send home an activity for your child to complete. This will give you an insight to what it is all about.


We will be looking at how to use algorithms to program digital devices. We will also learn how to debug simple programs.