Week beginning Monday 8th May 2017

Our key learning objectives for this week will be as follows:

Maths: we will be focusing on solving word problems this week in preparation for our SATs.

Class read- We will be continuing to read The Twits by Roald Dahl.

Reading: we are going to be looking at the features of a diary entry this week. After, we will be writing our own in the role of somebody who was affected by the plague.

SPaG- we will be looking at different spelling rules this week and recapping exclamatory sentences.

Science- Our science topic this term is living things and their habitats.

We are continuing with our ‘How Are You?’ topic which has lots of links with history, art, georgraphy and PSHE.

PE: we have been developing our ball skills to enable us to play team games.

RE- we will be looking at Judaism in the summer term. .

Music- Year 2 will continue to have ministrings on Friday afternoons. Please remember to collect your child from the dining hall on this day.

Important information

Hungerford Class will be beginning their SATs tests on the week beginning 15th May. We have decided to spread ours across a two week period to avoid overloading the children. This should help them to perform as well as they can. We will be doing the tests in the mornings.

It is important to ensure that your child comes to school with a water bottle every day: particularly over this period. They must keep hydrated.

Please come and see me in the playground if you have any queries about the year 2 SATs.


Thank you for all of your support this year. 🙂