Week Beginning Tuesday 30th October, 2018

We hope you had a lovely Half term break.

Children will return on Tuesday 30th October.

Thank you very much for attending the Parent’s Evening. Hope it was informative and appreciate your support in advance for enabling us to achieve them.

We have a new Topic this Half term – Sort it Out

This is related to Science and is about developing children’s understanding of materials – natural & man made, identifying different materials (metal, glass, fabric, plastic, wood etc..) and understanding the properties. We will also learn about Barack Obama as part of Black History Month.

Please check your child’s home work book to find the overview of this term’s learning.

Congratulations to our Mathletics Champions for the past two weeks.
Week beginning 8th October – 14th October
Lambeth Class
Super Mathlete: Adoma – 12556 Points
Silver Award: Marwa, Ayaan
Bronze Award: Adoma, Japdeep, Charlotte, Sackena, Isaiah, Deyan, Jayden, Annika, Ryan, Sharaya, Nicole, Cameron, Nathan, Comella, Ben

Vauxhall Class
Super Mathlete: Martyna (6080 Points)
Bronze: Elizabeth, Michelle, Leon, Yeabsira, Anthony, Martyna, Oskar, Kostek, Suvisha

Week Beginning 15th October – 21st October
Lambeth Class
Super Mathlete – Ryan (10057 Points)
Bronze: Cameron, Kye, Vanessa, Ayaan, Adoma, Zayna, Ben, Isaiah, Jayden, Ryan, Nicole, Yaacoob

Vauxhall Class
Super Mathlete: Suvisha (5140 Points)
Silver: Michelle, Suvisha
Bronze: Anthony, Krishan

Our learning this week…
This week we will write a recount of our holidays and begin exploring poems. We will be reading a range of Autumn Poems and identifying the different features – title, poet, stanza/verse, rhyming words, onomatoaepic words etc…

We will be continuing our learning about adding numbers in different ways and solve simple word problems.

We are looking at seasonal changes and learning about Autumn.

We will learn about significant people in our life time – Barack Obama.


Children will revisit our Rights and Responsibilities, our Class Charter and the 5 Core values of our school – caring, courtesy, consideration, co-operation and commitment

Children will begin to understand about Harvest and discuss how it is celebrated around the world.

We will continue our fun P.E. session and develop balance skills as well as listening skills and travelling in different ways and develop spatial awareness.

We continue our learning using line and tone and develop our skills to draw a self – portrait.

We will learn a range of harvest songs.

Home work
Your child would have brought home a homework book with two sets of work. A sheet of Maths work, spellings to learn (related to their phonic phase) and words to read and decode (these are non words or alien words to support children’s phonic skills).

Mathletics homework has also been set according to our Maths learning in class. The log in cards are at the back of your child’s reading records. Certificates will be handed out weekly in our Year Group Assembly.
Home work need to be returned on Wednesday 31st October.