Week commencing 11th December
Here is a breakdown of what we will be looking at over the coming week:
English- We will be introducing the poem Jack and the Beanstalk from Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes.
Maths- We will be converting measures and learning about perimeter.
Reading- All children read with an adult at least once a week as part of a Guided Reading programme. After this adult led session they complete tasks relating to the text or linked to current English and Spelling focuses. We continue to read stories as a class.
ICT- We are still holding an extra ICT session each week to introduce the children to touch typing. This a free to use course and is accessible to everyone. If you would like to continue this at home, I have included the link below.
PE- There are still 2 PE lessons this term. Please could children bring a pair of jogging bottoms and a long sleeve top for our Quick Cricket tournament which will be held outside, weather permitting.
RE- We will be studying a unit of work concerning discrimination. This unit will be taught by Mrs Adams on a Wednesday morning.
Science- Our current Science topic is materials. This will also be taught by Mrs Adams.
French- We will be revising our conversational skills so far and then moving on to learn the numbers between 20 and 50 and learning vocabulary to describe the months of the year and time.
Homework- Homework is given out on a Friday and should be returned by the following Friday. In addition to tasks given out I expect the children to read every day and continue to practise the multiplication tables. I will be collecting the reading records in every week to check children are reading and would ask that you initial or sign to show they have read and make any comments you deem necessary, children should also record all independent reading they have done in the book so I am able to see that they are reading regularly. Children should feel free to keep a book for as long as they need to in order to finish reading. If you have any concerns about your child’s book choice, please speak to me or write me a note.
Successes– Well done to Zamira, Malachi, Oliver, AJ and Hilda who all received merit cards this week!
Well done to Blue table who are currently leading the table points competition.
Additional information– As I am sure you all now are aware, our trip to the pantomime has been rescheduled for Wednesday 13th December for the 10.30. performance. Children will need a packed lunch on this day.
Important dates–
Wednesday 13th December- Panto
Friday 15th December- Christmas jumper day and school Christmas lunch
Monday 18th December- pm Christmas recital in St Andrew’s church
Tuesday 19th December- pm class parties. Please could Millennium bring savoury treats or fruit and Southwark will organise sweet treats.
Wednesday 20th December- School term ends.