Week commencing: 20th March 2017

March 20th 2017

Our key learning objectives next week will be:

Maths- we will be looking at different graphs and how to read them. We are going to be challenging ourselves to ask and answer questions about pictograms and bar charts. will be

Reading- We will be continuing to read The Twits by Roald Dahl. We are pleased to have finally found a book that we are all enjoying!

Writing- we are going to be creating our own information leaflets based on our topic. We will be looking at features of leaflets such as slogans and bright colours.

SPaG- we are going to be looking at different spelling rules this week. For example when to use el and when to use le at the end of a word.

Science- Our science topic this term is variation.

Our new topic for this half-term is How Are You? Links with history, art, georgraphy and PSHE.

PE- We will be developing our ball skills and working on invasion games.

RE-Our RE topic this term is Christianity.

Music- Year 2 will continue to have ministrings on Friday afternoons. Please remember to collect your child from the dining hall on this day.

 Maths objectives that you could help with at home:

  • Relationships between addition and subtraction (fact families)
  • Counting on and back in 2’s, 3’s, 5’s and 10’s (to help with multiplication and division).
  • Quick recall of number bonds to 20/ 100.
  • Quick recall of doubles and halves to 100.
  • Reading scales with intervals, for example when weighing ingredients.
  • Finding ways of making amounts of money using coins.


  • SPaG objectives that you could help with at home:
  • Spelling the year 2 common exception words.
  • Adding suffixes to root words (ing, est, er, ly, ful etc).
  • Adding conjunctions (joining words) between clauses e.g. and, then, so, because, when, if.
  • Adding adjectives (describing words) to simple sentences.
  • Exclamatory sentences. These start with ‘what’ or ‘how’, must include a verb and have an exclamation mark at the end. For example: ‘What a beautiful hat you are wearing today!’